Marketing services

Our company is included in the register of legal entities registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 22, 2016, the entry for №009496-11. It has been incorporated into the National Marketing Center Association since June 3, 2017, registration number 024, and our company is included in the register of the special information portal of public procurement “List of Specialized Organizations” regulated by the National Agency for Project Management under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The main activities of the company are marketing research, additionally provide consulting services in financial, trade and management spheres of office work, organization and practical implementation of public procurement (tenders, competitions).

By the formation of the company was selected a staff of experts with practical experience in the field of market research, both in the territory of our country and in world markets. The research uses the World Trade Organization database, the own database of manufacturers and dealers of products developed over the years, current information available on the Internet and the media.

When we provide marketing services (research) of the market, on an individual agreement with the customer, it is implied but not limited to studying the current situation on the market of goods and services, the possibility of forecasting for the future, analyzing the likelihood of potential competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. Development of an optimal marketing strategy for procurement of goods or services.

All activities of the company are based on the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which does not limit the provision of field and auxiliary works, the reporting data analysis is provided to the customer both in documentary form and in the format of an electronic database. By agreement of the parties, references to the methods, procedures and technologies used in the development of the study and its individual sections are provided.

Research can be presented with information on the market, revealing the structure of local, regional and international markets, logistics and, accordingly, products, market niches, key success factors in the market. Potential markets (with countries and regions). Market trends, the development of marketing strategy. Analysis of price conjuncture, historical and projected price trends, the main players in the world market.